Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cardinal Newman Society Needs Your Help!

A special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

We simply cannot be silent when:
  • Russ Feingold—who was stridently pro-abortion while a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin—was hired in January to teach at Catholic Marquette University.
  • Sister Carol Keehan—the Catholic Health Association president who undermined the U.S. bishops on Obamacare, then clashed with Bishop Olmstead over an abortion at a CHA hospital —remains on the Board of Trustees for Catholic St. John's University (New York) and the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota).  Sister Keehan has also been a featured lecturer or commencement speaker at several Catholic colleges and universities in the past year.
  • Next week, Boston College Law School plans to celebrate the "life and work" of Jesuit Father Robert Drinan—a former U.S. Congressman who championed abortion rights and federal funding for abortion.
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The Cardinal Newman Society is the only national organization dedicated to the serious work of renewing and strengthening Catholic higher education.
The scandals must stop.  We need your support now!
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Thank you… and may God bless you for standing up to the scandal!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Patrick J. Reilly
The Cardinal Newman Society9415 West Street
Manassas, VA 20110

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