Saturday, March 19, 2011 Needs You. Join Now!

A special message from Brian Burch, President of Catholic Vote:
I want you to know that the fight to stop taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood remains within reach. We don't want to bombard you with messages, but please know we are working each day to accomplish our goal. Next week we are planning a huge push, so get ready! 
But today I also want to ask: Are you on Facebook? 
Did you know that almost half of all adults in America use Facebook every month? 
Millions of our fellow citizens share our views on the importance of life, family, and freedom but have not yet heard of CatholicVote. Through Facebook, you can help grow our movement by becoming a fan of CatholicVote.

Please take 5 seconds now and visit and click the “Like” button.

A recent poll found that 75% of Americans received news from email or a social networking site. We update our Facebook page every day with commentary, news and action alerts – making it easy to share this news with your friends and family. 

Please take a moment and join us today. The more people that you and I reach, the more effective we will be!

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