Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Frank Rich Leaving The New York Times

Uber-liberal bellyacher Frank Rich is leaving the New York Times.
The relentless GOP-hating leftist feels it's time to move on.
Here's part of what Rich has to say:
There is no greater newspaper than the Times. 
I leave the paper with deep affection for both the institution and my many brilliant colleagues, and with much gratitude for the opportunity the paper gave me to serve in two dream jobs in journalism. After seventeen years in my second career there, as a columnist, I feel much as I did after nearly fourteen years in my first, as chief drama critic -- both the satisfaction that I’ve given a great job all I had and a serious hunger to move on to fresh and expanded writing challenges after having done the same assignment for so long. 
BuhhhhhhBYE! . . . Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

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