Monday, March 7, 2011

A New March Madness: Obamacare's One-Year Anniversary

Forget the field of 64. Don't tune in for Selection Sunday. Slowly walk away from your "bracketology" and two dozen NCAA tourney pools.

March isn't just for college hoops anymore. It's the one-year anniversary of Obama's totally psychotic health care takeover.

One year of false promises and snake-oil salesmanship. 365 days of "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." Obama and his cronies went into a full-court press to get this travesty on the books at light-speed, so fast that it would break the ankles of the American people and their scrutiny.

But this is not an easy layup for the Democrats. "Repeal and Replace" is the chant from the stands, with over two dozens states challenging the constitutionality of the law. A law that forces businesses to pay so much more for their employees' insurance that they are actually dropping coverage. A law that unconstitutionally forces a Federal mandate to private citizens - even those still struggling to get off unemployment and save their homes and the lives of their families - to get health insurance or else. A law so full of flaws that Obamacare is much more Historic Upset than Cinderella Story.

An opinion piece in today's Wall Street Journal, highlights more the this new "March Madness."

Read it by clicking here.

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