Friday, March 4, 2011

Oroho Streamlining Bill Becomes Law

Legislation sponsored by New Jersey State Senator Steve Oroho (R-Sussex, Morris, Hunterdon) that reforms New Jersey's burdensome regulatory structure was recently signed into law. This regulatory reform measure was a recommendation of the governor’s Red Tape Review Commission of which Senator Oroho is a member.
"By simplifying and streamlining the regulatory process we are making government more effective and efficient without compromising public safety or environmental protection," Oroho stated. "While one regulation may not close a business or prevent it from expanding, the cumulative effect of thousands of regulations on New Jersey's books could be devastating. We need to make sure New Jersey remains a competitive state where individuals and small businesses can thrive without fear of unnecessary government interference."
The legislation, A-2720/S-2014, makes it easier to amend government regulations once they have been proposed. Currently, any changes to a proposed regulation requires the agency to restart the entire regulatory proposal process over again.
"The way the system operated before, agencies were reluctant to accept proposed changes, even if they agreed with them, because it was such an arduous process," Oroho continued. "This legislation will eliminate the regulatory bureaucracy that has hindered economic development and job growth and help put unemployed and underemployed New Jerseyans back to work."

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