Sunday, March 13, 2011

Roberto Capucci: Fashion Really Is Art!

Creations which take on a luminescent glow as the light changes.
Capucci's fabric palette sings with a symphony of colors.
Dresses appear as flower blossoms.
A reinterpretation of vivid red featuring nine skirts.
A rare Capucci creation with detailed bead work.
Fifty years ago a young fashion designer, Roberto Capucci showed his creations in Philadelphia at a trade fair celebrating the 100th anniversary of the unification of  Bella Italia.
The designs were sensational and helped make Capucci renowned in the fashion world and beyond. This remarkably inventive master of haute couture became a sort of "designer's designer," inspring so many others along the way.
Now, Capucci is back.
In a dazzling exhibition the Philadelphia Museum of Art you can see more than 80 of  Capucci's unique creations beginning Wednesday and continuing through June 5.
Roberto Capucci: Art Into Fashion will open your eyes to Capucci's work which he describes as as "a study in form" inspired by art, architecture, and nature.
For Capucci, the act of creation is a complete sensory experience; he has described it as an assault—of art, beauty, color, emotion, music, nature, poetry. For the viewer the experience is magical and unforgettable. 
The colors, the fabrics, the line, the form and the structure of  Roberto Capucci's work will make you a believer.
Yes, fashion is art and you'll never again look at elegant clothing quite the same way.
Join Capucci for his return to Philadelphia (and celebrate the 150th anniversary of Italy's unification) at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
All photos copyright 2011 by Dan Cirucci.

1 comment:

  1. March 21, 2011

    Attn: Mr. Dan Cirucci

    I saw the exhibit, "Roberto Capucci:Fashion Really is Art!" I was born in Abington and Jenkintown and I grew up with fashion with my mother, Julia Dee Ang. I am sure during my mom's generation she followed Roberto Capucci since I learned about Roberto Capucci's fashion show at The Philadelphia Museum of Art. It was an exquisite presentation and I learned so much about the designer. He looked so young to be a style icon when he came to the USA or even when he started his first atelier in Paris.He really put Italy on the map for Italian Fashion as a Style and Art.

    I was so enamoured with his fashion and his art that I would love to try to contact him to say thank you to him through an e-mail or letter. I am a student of design and I am also a professional business person having attended business conferences in Europe and in Great Britain. My cousins went to school at The Annenberg School of Communications, and at The Wharton School of Business. I did European Studies and I did work in Europe as well as Great Britain.

    Do you think it would be possible to get an address where I can write to Mr. Roberto Capucci? Does the Fondazione Roberto Capucci have a contact e-mail for him?

    Your article on his past exhibit here in Philadelphia was great and your involvement with the Bar Associations here in Philadelphia is fantastic.

    Sincerely yours,

    Veronica Dee Ang
