Saturday, March 5, 2011

Romney: We Need More Jobs, New President

From Mitt Romney:
It’s going to take more than new rhetoric to put Americans back to work—it’s going to take a new presidentWe need to stop penalizing companies that want to invest in America. Right now, we tax companies who make money overseas if they want to bring it home, but we don’t tax them if they keep their money abroad. That makes... no sense at all. We want that money here, invested in new factories, new equipment, and new jobs. …How much money do American companies store overseas that’s waiting to come back? Estimates range as high as one trillion dollars. Bringing a trillion dollars back to the United States will create hundreds of thousands—or even millions of good, permanent, private sector jobs.
Fifteen million Americans are out of work. And millions and millions more can’t find the good paying jobs they long for and deserve. You’ve seen the heartbreaking photos and videos of the jobs fairs around the country, where thousands show up to stand in line all day just to have a chance to compete for a few job openings that probably aren’t as good as the job they held two years ago. These job fairs and unemployment lines are President Obama’s Hoovervilles. Make no mistake. This is a moral tragedy—a moral tragedy of epic proportion.  Unemployment is not just a statistic. Fifteen million unemployed is not just a number. Unemployment means kids can’t go to college; that marriages break up under the financial strain; that young people can’t find work and start their lives; and men and women in their 50s, in the prime of their lives, fear they will never find a job again. Liberals should be ashamed that they and their policies have failed these good and decent Americans.

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