Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BEWARE: The Obama-Facebook Connection

It's no secret that President Obama is a frequent visitor to Silicon Valley.
It's no secret that he sees himself and his administration as silicon savvy and ultra-hip.
And it's no secret that the billion-dollar-campaigner and his chic liberal friends are experts at detecting the scent of quick, cold, cash.
And, make no mistake about it: The super-funding (often in the name of "accessibility") has begun. The Obama campaign money race is on.
So, this revelation from the Silicon Valley Mercury News should surprise no one. Here are excerpts:
Hoping to grab some high-tech luster and begin filling the campaign war chest he'll need in 2012, President Barack Obama will visit Facebookthis month for an online town hall event with CEO Mark Zuckerberg before going to San Francisco for a series of pricey fundraisers, including a $35,800-a-plate dinner hosted by CEO Marc Benioff.
Obama, who announced Monday he would seek re-election, is using the two-day visit to Silicon Valley and San Francisco as an initial lap of the 2012 presidential campaign. He is expected to return to the Bay Area multiple times before the election.
Click here to read more.

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