Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How To Know If You're A Socialist

Wayne Allyn Root has a great column in the Washington Times today that helps you to figure out if you just might be a socialist.

Here are a few excerpts:

If you believe it's greedy for American taxpayers to want to keep more of their own money, but not greedy to demand that government confiscate other people's money and redistribute it to those who didn't earn it, you might be a socialist.

If you don't understand (or care) that babies scream and cry the moment they are born because they are already heavily in debt and facing a bleak future and lower quality of life, you might be a socialist.

If you think anyone who doesn't read the New York Times is dumb and ignorant, but think it's OK for Congress to pass a 2,000-page health care bill without reading it, you might be a socialist.

If you think Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar of "The View" represent the moderate wingof the Democratic Party, you might be a socialist.

Click here for the full column. It's superb! 

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