Monday, April 4, 2011

Remembering John Adler

Reactions and remembrances are pouring in on the death of former Congressman John Adler:

Congressman Adler was a fine public servant and a good person. His untimely death is an awful shock. Mary Pat and I will be praying for his wife, Shelley, and their four sons during this sad and tragic time.
--Governor Chris Christie

I want to extend my deepest sympathies to former Congressman John Adler's family and friends, especially his wife, Shelley, and his four boys. May John rest in peace, and may those he left behind be comforted by the knowledge that his lifetime of public service to our community has left a lasting legacy for which they can be most proud.
--Congressman Jon Runyan

I want to extend my deepest condolences to John's wife, Shelley, their four boys, and the entire Adler family. John was smart, passionate, energetic, and dedicated throughout his long career in public service. He was a friend to all of us in the Senate and a living reminder that it is possible to disagree with one another without being disagreeable. New Jersey is a better place having been served by John Adler. He will be missed.
--Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr.

Having served with John in both Washington and Trenton, I can attest that he was a good man who was deeply dedicated to South Jersey and those he represented. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Shelley, their sons and family.
--Congressman Frank LoBiondo

 No matter what office he held, the congressman always advocated fiercely for his constituents and those whose voices otherwise wouldn't have been heard. His passing is a tragic loss for our state, but his legacy of intelligent and classy leadership will not be forgotten.
--Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver

Today is a sad day in New Jersey. John Adler was a talented, devoted public servant who worked with a special concern for the people he represented and all of New Jersey. My deepest condolences go out to John’s wife, Shelley, and his four sons. John will be missed, but his honesty of character will not be forgotten.
--Senator Frank Lautenberg

My heart goes out to the Adler family, his wife Shelly and their four children. John spent the better part of two decades serving the people of New Jersey with candor and vigor. His intellect and energy was a benefit to his constituents and all who had the honor of serving with him. This is a great loss for New Jersey. He will be truly missed. 
--Senator Diane Allen

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