Thursday, May 26, 2011

Allen Applauds Christie's Energy Plan

New JerseyState Senator Diane Allen (R- Burlington/Camden), co-sponsor of legislation withdrawing New Jersey from the job-killing Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), issued the following statement praising the Christie Administration’s newly released Energy Master Plan. The Plan ends New Jersey’s participation in RGGI.
“RGGI drives up energy costs for consumers at a time when nobody can afford any additional taxes. Businesses are hit particularly hard, and virtually invites them to pick up and leave New Jersey. This program has put New Jersey on an unequal footing as compared to our neighbors, and I applaud Governor Christie’s newest commitment to improving our business and jobs climate in New Jersey by withdrawing from RGGI. As I have repeatedly stated, this is not a debate about whether or not we should protect our environment- we should. However, I refuse to accept that good environmental policy must come at the expense of families’ livelihoods. There has to be a better way, and I believe the Governor’s energy master plan is on the right track in advocating for state and private investment in renewable energy and conservation projects not borne on the backs of ratepayers.”

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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