Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bush Declines Obama's 'Victory Lap' Invite

President George W. Bush will mark the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in September but he will not be going to the World Trade Center site in Manhattan with President Obama tomorrow.
Here's an excerpt from the story as reported by The Daily Beast and MSNBC:
Former President George W. Bush has declined President Obama’s invitation to jointly visit Ground Zero on Thursday. “President Bush will not be in attendance on Thursday,” his spokesman told The New York Times. “He appreciated the invite, but has chosen in his post-presidency to remain largely out of the spotlight. He continues to celebrate with Americans this important victory in the war on terror.”
Click here for the complete story.

1 comment:

  1. President Obama has yet to go there for any 9/11 ceremonies, so this just looks like a photo op to me. Don't get me wrong...I'm glad he got Osama...but this looks fishy to me.

