Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Doherty: Amend Constitution; Restrict NJ Court

New Jersey State Senator Michael Doherty, a member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement in response decision of the New Jersey State Supreme Court to order the Legislature to expend additional money for Abbott districts:

“Once again, the Court has overstepped its clearly defined constitutional authority.  This position was acknowledged by the two dissenting justices.
“This decision also perpetuates a failed legal theory that more money will improve educational outcomes.  This theory has been disproved after more than three decades of Abbott decisions.
“At the next quorum of the Senate, I will introduce a proposed constitutional amendment that will forever remove the Court from decisions on how we fund our schools.  The proposed constitutional amendment will provide equal school aid for each student, regardless of where the student resides.  New Jersey needs to establish a fair, simple, transparent, and straightforward educational funding formula that takes the income tax fund and distributes the fund equally to each student.
“I look forward to a full and vigorous debate on the merits of my proposed amendment.  I believe the voters of this state will approve a fair school funding formula by an overwhelming margin.”

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