Wednesday, May 4, 2011

GOP: Christie Budget Protects Health Services

Following a hearing on Governor Christie's FY 2012 proposed budget appropriations for healthcare, Republican members of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee today praised the administration for maintaining quality healthcare services for those in need:

"The Administration's proposed budget maintains New Jersey's commitment to providing access to quality healthcare for those most in need. No amount of politically heated rhetoric can change the fact that this budget proposal increases Charity Care funding by $10 million to $675 million, fully funds PAAD for seniors, or invests $90 million in Graduate Medical Education for our next generation of healthcare providers.

"The New Jersey SEED program will continue to provide free pap smears, mammograms, colorectal and cervical cancer screenings, and other preventive services on demand to every New Jersey resident who qualifies as being of limited means."

"The resistance by some to common sense reforms made in the interest of fiscal responsibility is troubling. It seems that critics oppose these $540 million in savings simply because it is different than past practice."

"The taxpayers of New Jersey should not be fooled by fear mongering and scare tactics. The vulnerable populations of this state will continue to have access to the same quality care the state of New Jersey has always provided. The only thing that could threaten services for needy this year would be lawmakers who refuse to allow a budget to be passed into law."

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