Friday, May 20, 2011

Philly Tea Party Group Endorses Corwin For Congress

The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC Board of Delegates announced, today, that it has voted unanimously to endorse Jane Corwin for Congress in the New York 26th District Special Election to be held next Tuesday, May 24.

This marks only the second time that the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC has endorsed a candidate in a Congressional special election outside its region.

"Our endorsement is a testament to the overwhelmingly positive positions Assemblywoman Corwin has advanced in this campaign, including her commitment to bringing fiscal sanity back to Washington," said PAC President, Don Adams.

"Assemblywoman Corwin understands that we must bring government spending and taxation under control in order to stimulate the economy and encourage job creation," Mr. Adams said.

"She also knows that the nation's private sector economy must be part of an overall solution to help build a strong economy and lasting prosperity--and that America, once and for all--must become energy independent."

"Her two Democratic opponents--one, a cheerleader for ObamaCare and other big government bailout programs; the other, a fake Tea Party candidate--appear to be teaming up to defeat the principles of responsible government that Ms. Corwin represents.

"Obviously, we are also sending a message to Jack Davis, a three-time Democrat candidate for Congress, that we are onto his phony Tea Party candidacy," said Mr. Adams. "We recognize this deceptive Democrat strategy all too well--try to fool the voters into splitting their vote between a conservative Republican and a fraudulent Tea Party candidate so that the "official" Democrat candidate wins.

"Only trouble is, the voters are much smarter than that--and when they discover the attempt to deceive, they punish those involved in the deception.(In April, 2010, the PAC voted unanimously to support Tim Burns for Congress in a special election in Western PA. Mr. Burns lost in a very tight race. His endorsement was the first issued by the PAC in a special election. The Independence Hall Tea Party unofficially supported Scott Brown's successful bid in a Massachusetts US Senate special election.)

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