Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Runyan Returns From Afghanistan Trip

Congressman Jon Runyan has just returned from a congressional delegation visit to Afghanistan.
Here's an excerpt from a Burlington County Times story:
Congressman Jon Runyan was in Afghanistan with a congressional delegation just days before U.S. commandos killed Osama bin Laden in neighboring Pakistan, but the freshman lawmaker did not learn about the clandestine raid until President Barack Obama announced the terrorist leader’s death to the world.
“He was never briefed on the attack,” Runyan press secretary Chris Terrell said Tuesday, adding that the 3rd District representative did meet with top military and civilian commanders to discuss security and strategy in the ongoing military conflict against the Taliban and al-Qaida.
During his two days in Afghanistan, Runyan, R-3rd of Mount Laurel, also met with American service members and attended a memorial for fallen troops as well as a “ramp service,” in which the remains of troops are given a respectful ceremony as they are loaded onto an aircraft to return to the United States for burial.
“It was an honor to meet with our troops in the field. They and their families suspend their lives to answer the call of our nation. There aren’t enough words of appreciation for what they do,” Runyan said Tuesday in a statement.
Click here for the full story.

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