Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Unexpected Artistic Treasure -- FREE!

Imagine finding priceless works of Art by Warhol, Grant Wood, Cezanne, Mary Cassatt, Brancusi, Larry Rivers, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Hopper, Inness, Georgia O'Keefe, Giacommetti, Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange and many others.
Imagine all of these in a jewel box setting atop a hill in a rich, historic academic atmosphere in harmony with nature.
And imagine it all being free.
That's what you'll find at the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Mass, surrounded by the beautiful Berkshire Mountains. We visited the museum today and found it to be a delightful treasure --a wonderful place to spend several hours enjoying (and learning more about) art and its value and meaning.
Nearly 400 works of art from the museum's own collection are combined with 50 major works on loan from the Yale University Art Gallery in an exhibition that interprets what it means to be a teaching museum.
We found this exhibition to be illuminating and thought-provoking.
We were impressed by the collection and frankly surprised by its thoroughness and diversity.
In fact, the wealth of objects on view even includes a rare original printed copy of the Declaration of Independence and a First Edition of The Federalist Papers given to George Washington by Hamilton and Madison and signed by Washington himself. That alone is worth the admission price but there is no price of admission. It's all yours to enjoy and we heartily encourage donations to the museum as a gesture of thanks.
If you are ever in the Berkshires, you owe it to yourself to make this (and the nearby Clark Museum) your first stop.
You won't be disappointed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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