Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bill Signed: Sen. Allen Champions Medical Choice!

Here's a special shout-out to our own New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen who has courageously and successfully championed medical choice across state lines. 
Senator Allen (R- Burlington/Camden) was the prime sponsor of legislation (S-2959) protecting the ability of public employees to choose their medical providers regardless of state boundaries. Today she thanked Governor Christie for signing her measure as part of the state's landmark pension and health benefits reform package. From Senator Allen:
"New Jersey residents are proud of our state, but healthcare decisions are not a question of pride; they're a question of life and death. If the best prognosis for one's condition can be achieved at an out of state facility, public workers should be able to obtain care at that facility without a bureaucrat looking over his or her shoulder.
"Section 76 of the pension and benefits bill as initially drafted was unacceptable to me, and as I stated on the floor of the Senate my first preference was to remove that section of the pension and benefits bill.
"I am thrilled that any restrictions to out of state medical care have been stricken entirely from the pension and benefits legislation. In the fog of negotiating a massive and urgently needed tax relief and reform package through the legislature, we took the time to get the details of the bill right and ensure that $120 billion in savings to the taxpayers did not come at the expense of patient choice in our healthcare system."
You are right, Senator Allen. And Governor Christie was right to sign your companion bill to the health and benefits reform package. But we also thank YOU for having the courage and determination and simple common sense to champion this measure against the will of some VERY powerful forces.
We thoroughly support your re-election and we will do all that we can to see to it that you continue to serve the people of New Jersey.

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