Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Economists Agree: GOP Spending Cut Plan Best

Roll Call is out with a great story on support from the nation's leading economists (more than 150 of them) for the Republican proposal that any increase in America's debt limit be accompanied by greater reductions in spending. It's a sensible proposal and one can see why economists would support it. One also wonder why the Obama Administration cannot see fit to embrace this idea.
Here's an excerpt from the story:
Speaker John Boehner added to his political firepower Wednesday ahead of a morning meeting with President Barack Obama.
The Ohio Republican released a letter signed by more than 150 economists who support his stance that any debt limit increase be attached to spending cuts that exceed it in size.
“It is critical that any debt limit legislation enacted by Congress include spending cuts and reforms that are greater than the accompanying increase in debt authority being granted to the president,” the economists wrote.
Click here to read the full story.

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