Thursday, June 9, 2011

The GOP's Plan For Growth, Job Creation

A special message from Speaker of the House John Boehner:
Last week, it was announced that the national unemployment rate rose to 9.1% in May and the number of unemployed Americans edged up by 167,000 to 13.9 million.  Our economy is not creating enough jobs, and that is why from day one, the House has been committed to getting government out of the way so job creators can do what they do best – create jobs.  
On May 26th, House Republicans unveiled our Plan for America’s Job Creators, a pro-growth jobs plan that builds on our Pledge to America.  This plan focuses on removing government barriers to job growth such as the threat of tax hikes, our spending-driven debt crisis, and the mountains of red tape.  It aims to empower small businesses, families, and entrepreneurs instead of holding them back with over-taxing, over-regulating, and over-spending. 
On Tuesday, I took the case for our Plan for America’s Job Creators directly to the Eighth District. While addressing the Middletown Rotary Club, I discussed how these policies would provide a path to a stable economic foundation.  Please visit to learn more about our Plan for America’s Job Creators.
We are going to continue to do our part in the House to help create an environment where economic growth is encouraged and Ohio job creators are once again confident in our economy.


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