Thursday, June 9, 2011

Newt's Campaign A Train Wreck As Senior Staff Resigns

If it wasn't tough enough for Newt Gingrich to get the GOP nod for 2012, it just got a hellavuh lot tougher.

His entire senior staff - not just one, or a handful - but ALL of them just resigned.

That's right. ALL OF THEM!

Here's an excerpt from the AP Story:

Rick Tyler, Gingrich's spokesman, said he, campaign manager Rob Johnson and senior strategists had resigned, along with aides in the early primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Other officials said Gingrich was informed that his entire high command was quitting in a meeting earlier in the day. They cited differences over the direction of the campaign but were not more specific.

The officials declined to be identified by name, saying they were not authorized to discuss private conversations.

And after all this, Newt still wants to run!

Take the hint. Get out while you still have some dignity left. You're just playing make-believe. You are not the candidate I want to see going up against Obama.

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