Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Photo: Controversial Crotch Shot Revealed

The photo on the left is a high school photo of Congressman Anthony Weiner.
The photo on the right may or may not be a crotch shot of Weiner.
What we do know is this: The photo on the left is reportedly the photo of himself that Weiner uses on his Twitter account. And the weiner photo on the right was sent over the weekend from Weiner's Twitter account to journalist student Gennette Cordova, who lives in Seattle
According to media reports the 46-year-old married New York Congressman has long had a reputation as a player, has dated a string of glamorous women and follows lots of  "babes" on Twitter (and many of them seem to follow him as well).
Now, Weiner has reportedly told Luke Russert of NBC News that he "can't say with certitude." that the photo on the right is not him.  But he also says he did not send out the picture.
At the beginning of this episode, Weiner's office seemed to claim that he was the victim of a hack. But even though  that would be a federal offense, it appears that no reports of the incident were made and that Weiner may not have asked authorities to investigate. The Capitol Police, the force charged with protecting Congress, has said it is not investigating the Weiner incident.
We'd say the aptly-named Weiner is in quite a pickle.
Below is a photo of Weiner today.

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