Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tea Party Leaders Greet Palin In Philly

A dozen members of the Independence Hall Tea Party Association were on hand yesterday afternoon to greet the Palin family during their  "One Nation" bus tour stop at the Liberty Bell Pavilion.  

"We are pleased that Mrs. Palin is highlighting our national historic sites on this bus tour," said  Association President Teri Adams.  "Obviously, as the Independence Hall Tea Party, we deeply value the symbolic significance of the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall."

Don Adams, co-founder of the Independence Hall Tea Party, spoke to Palin just a few feet away from the Liberty Bell.

"We invited Governor Palin to our July 4th Energy Independence Day Tea Party.  I told her that the theme was "Drill, Baby, Drill" and she high-fived

"Governor Palin elaborated on the theme of our tea party, saying that the US was pumping billions of dollars into foreign economies due to our energy dependency--money that could be invested in America and used to create jobs--if only we were determined to become energy independent."

"Of course, we agree with her message and hope that she might attend our July 4th Tea Party."

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