Friday, July 8, 2011

Boehner 'No Deal Imminent' On Deficit

Those who say the Republicans in Congress are "about to cave" on a budget and deficit deal may not know what they're talking about. And/or they may simply be engaging in wishful thinking (especially rampant among Old Media).
Speaker of the House John Boehner says a deal with the democrats simply is not in sight and negotiations have been difficult with serious disagreements surrounding key isses.
Here's an excerpt from a report in The Hill:
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Friday said a broad deficit-reduction deal is not “imminent” and stressed that the gap between the White House and Republican leaders has not narrowed in recent days. “There is no agreement in private or in public,” Boehner said at a morning press conference. “And as the president said yesterday,” he added, indicating with his hands, “we are this far apart. It’s not like there is some imminent deal about to happen. There are serious disagreements about how to deal with this very serious problem.”
Click here to read more.

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