Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Christie's Accomplishments: Real, Honest Progress

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has made the difficult decisions that have allowed New Jersey to dramatically increase funding for our schools, increase property tax rebates for seniors, maintain critical funding for the neediest citizens of our state while reducing government spending and cutting taxes to create jobs.


  1. Christie has made tough decisions, and if nothing else has had the courage to take risks that many of his Democratic and Republican predecessors have not to achieve what he promised. It's a rare quality in politicians these days.

    That being said, there is a reason why it is a rare quality - doing the things he has done is often not politically expedient, particularly when you're a Republican governor in a deep-blue state. It remains to be seen if the voters will reward or penalize Christie for making those tough choices, however necessary they may have been for the state's long-term health.

  2. I agree, Josh.
    NJ remains blue.
    Much of the northern part of the state has become New-York-ified. Hopelessly liberal.
    But we're encouraged that common sense will prevail. And Christie's a proven fighter. He's not in the business of losing.
