Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NJ Labor Leaders: We're United, No Matter What

New Jersey Building and Construction Trades Council President Bill Mullen made following statement today:

"The New Jersey Building & Construction Trades Council has made its choices of candidates we will ask our members to support this November. These are candidates who have spent their lives and careers advancing the labor movement, and who have made New Jersey one of the nation's most pro-labor states.

"Now, unions within the NJ State AFL-CIO will seek to use one vote to discredit and dismiss the entire pro-labor lives of many of these excellent candidates. We will not let that happen.

"New Jersey's building trades are proud to stand with Senate President Steve Sweeney, Senator Donald Norcross, Assemblyman John Amodeo and the many other worthy candidates who did not follow the NJ State AFL-CIO's wishes on one issue. If the NJ State AFL-CIO is going to let one vote dictate who is and who is not going to get their endorsement, the Building & Construction Trades Council unanimously have agreed to continue to stand together and walk out of their convention alongside our Building Trades Legislators. We will not stand idly by and watch the NJ State AFL-CIO do what we have fought a lifetime against....endorse on one vote. Our 150,000 members know who is on their side.

"We recognize that being pro-labor is about a lifetime of dedication on a broad range of issues important to our livelihoods, our members, their families and our state. That the NJ State AFL-CIO would consider not endorsing the building trades legislators is a disgrace. More importantly, labor stands with labor, period."

1 comment:

  1. I still believe united we stand, divided we fall.
    This is more than a "one vote" issue ~ it's about taking away collective bargaining rights. It cuts to the core of what "every" labor leader believes in. Have we learned nothing from WI and OH? Whether public or private sector workers, I thought we were all "one." I have always supported all my brothers and sisters, no matter what union they belonged to. No politician, whether D or R, who votes to take away our fundamental union rights is worthy of our support and any endorsement just invalidates all we are suppose to stand for and the struggles of our past.
    The country is watching to see if NJ's labor movement is about being used as a political pawn or is it about standing with "all" workers. Remember, an injury to one is an injury to all.
    Sandy Oncay, former Exec. Vice President, CWA Local 1085
