Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Year Later . . . Things Are Even WORSE

Following is something I posted LAST SUMMER.
Read it and reflect on the fact that nothing has changed. In fact, things are now even WORSE!
More jobs lost. Unemployment still at record levels.
Payroll numbers down once again.
Work week hours down again.
Factory orders down again.
Foreclosures at a new high.
A continuously sluggish housing market.
Consumer confidence taking a nosedive.
The nation mired in massive, unprecedented debt -- the highest since World War II.
This is NOT a recovery. This isn't anything even close to a recovery.
And the President and the Vice President want us to believe that this is "recovery summer"?
They oughta be ashamed of themselves.
Shame on 'em! Shame on all of 'em!

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