Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The REAL Story Behind The Casey Anthony Verdict

What the hell happened?
That's what everybody seems to be asking on the heels of the Casey Anthony verdict.
Did it startle you? Were you surprised?
I wasn't. I really wasn't stunned in the least. Though I was disappointed.
In case you've been living in a cave, you now know that Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder and nearly all other counts. The only thing she was found guilty of was giving false information to law enforcement authorities.Considering the time she's already spent in jail, she's liable to spend little or no additional time behind bars. She's sprung.
How could this be.
Well, we all now about reasonable doubt. The jury must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution. Simply put, at least one member of the jury had serious doubts about Anthony's guilt.
But there's more. It's what I call the "show trial sell-out."
To begin with, juries these days are incredibly wimpy. We now live in a gray world where there are no moral absolutes -- no rights and wrongs -- and we're constantly preached to (primarily by liberals and other bed-wetters)  about how we should not stand in judgment  of others. And there's a reluctance by almost everybody to take responsibility for anything. So, no one wants to be the person who finally stands up and says: "Yes, this person is guilty and should be punished."
Then too, the jury selection process has become so mired in regulation and courtroom rules that it's become an elaborate game -- a game called "How Can We Stack The Jury?"
All of these things are magnified during a Big Time Show Trial. And all of these "wimp factors" achieve greater significance and greater intensity.
In this "scared-of-my-shadow" atmosphere the slightest doubt springs the defendant. With the hot glare of Big Media -- with the whole world watching -- jurors collapse. They can't take the heat.
Witness the O. J. Simspon and Robert Blake verdicts, to name a couple.
Oh sure, we'll throw the book at Leona Helmsley or Martha Stewart -- that's pure resentment, envy and class warfare (another leftist gift to the world).
But it seems we're all too happy to let some low down good-for-nothing get away with murder.
That's [almost] the whole picture. And it's not pretty. And we'd damned well better do something about it.
I'm afraid that's the real story behind the Casey Anthony verdict and I fear we're all complicit in it.
Oh, this too: A real honest-to-goodness murder trial ain't no soap opera. It ain't no show, folks. It's not there for your entertainment. Get a life, OK?

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