Thursday, July 21, 2011

Romney: You Can Help Turn America Around

A special message from Mitt Romney:
What happens when inexperience encounters reality? Reality can be a hard teacher. Just yesterday, when speaking on the economy, President Obama said, "I think the trajectory's a good one."  Yet, I travel the country and see first-hand the effects of President Obama's failed leadership.  Is this trajectory right
  • When the unemployment rate has increased in each of the last three months, settling at 9.2% this June?
  • When more than half a million Americans have joined the unemployment rolls since March?
  • When the President's own spokesman, Jay Carney, admits earlier that "growth is weak" and there is "disappointingly little" job creation?
The bad economic news goes on and on.
Rather than making things better, the President's policies have been making them worse.   If President Obama continues to believe that we're on a good trajectory, then he is choosing to ignore the reality facing nearly 14 million unemployed Americans. 
It's past time for a change. Our country can't afford even one more year of failure, let alone another four years. Together, we can change direction and get America back to work. 
If you believe it's time for change, if you believe in a stronger, more prosperous future for our country, and if you believe that we must act now, then I ask you to join our effort and contribute today. Your donation and commitment will help us move forward and spread our message.

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