Saturday, July 9, 2011

Video: Obama Forsees His Own Demise

Thirty months into Obamaville and the economic news just gets worse. No progress. None. Nada. NoNo. The clock is ticking . . .

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't say very much (at least not anything good) about the Republican candidates then that Obama is in a statistical tie with Romney and is leading Bachmann, Pawlenty, Perry and all of the other announced or suggested candidates.

    Obama will not be running against "Generic Republican" next November. He'll be running against a flesh and blood Republican, with his/her own qualifications and baggage. As credible as their attacks against Obama may be, they'll still have to prove that they're the answer. Even Romney, for all of the things he brings to the table, will have to answer questions about his record (and not just Romneycare; see how Ted Kennedy went after him in their 1994 Senate race).

    This is not going to be like 1980. None of the current GOP candidates compare to Reagan. And as unpopular as Obama is in many parts of the country, the Republicans aren't exactly loved by the masses either.
