Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How About A Perry-Giuliani Ticket?

Texas Governor Rick Perry is supposed to announce his presidential intentions this Saturday in South Carolina.
To be sure, Perry is no newcomer to the GOP presidential nomination process.
In 2008 Perry campaigned heavily in Florida and other spots for his good friend, Rudy Giuliani.
And Giuliani has campaigned in Texas for Perry.
They would seem like an unlikely couple, this gun-totting Texan and this opera-loving New Yorker. But this is a real, live bromance.
Now that it's all but certain that Perry will be announcing a presidential run this weekend, one must ask: Would Perry pick Giuliani as his running mate? Would a Perry-Giuliani ticket fly?
One could argue that it would be a unifier -- balanced geographically and ideologically.
But we've got a long way to go yet in the presidential race.
Anyway, click here for more on the Perry/Giuliani bromance.


  1. Might be a nice ticket. But there is no way Rudy Giuliani's ego is going to allow him to be VP. And being that he's in his mid-to-late 60s, he can't wait another 4-8 years to get elected President.

  2. Whoever wins the GOP nomination, the running mate will likely come from this group: Marco Rubio, Michelle Bachmann, Bobby Jindal or Tim Pawlenty. People who will still be young enough to make a credible run for the White House in 2020 and whose egos can stomach being essentially a figurehead during that time.

  3. How about a Perry-Rubio ticket?

  4. Great to hear from you, MJ: I don;t close the door to Perry. I just want to hear more from him before I make up my mind.
    Josh: I tend to agree with you except I'm not sure about Bachmann.
