Thursday, August 4, 2011

Obama Support Erodes In Florida, Romney Up

President Obama's polling numbers are down all over the country.
The President has lost (and continues to lose) significant support.
For example, a new poll shows his numbers down a full seven points just since May in the pivotal state of Florida.
Now only 44% of voters in Floroida approve of the job Obama is doing more than half (51%) dsiapprove,
And there's more bad news for the President: GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney has pulled even with Obama in Florida.
You may have noticed that Romney is focusing more and more on Obama and less and less on his Republican primary opponents. Romney's in serious prep for the general election campaign. For Obama, the shoe's on the other foot this time around. Now he's the President and he has to grapple with the nation's problems and fend his own record.
Meanwhile, Romney can fire away -- trying out new arguments and meeting strategies and attempting to further weaken Obama's eroding support.
Romney's two tag lines (Believe In America and Obama's Not Working) play on both positive and negative angles. He aims to hit Obama head-on while extolling the virtues ordinary Americans and America itself Romney's current campaign is a laboratory for what's to come.
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. While Romney certainly needs to go after Obama too, I think he is making a mistake by ignoring his Republican primary rivals. Despite his massive fundraising advantage, polls do not show Romney with much of an advantage against the GOP primary electorate. If someone that conservatives find more palatable like Rick Perry gets in the race, Romney could have trouble.

    One of the big mistakes Hillary Clinton made in the 2008 campaign was looking ahead to the general election before she had her party's nomination locked up. We all know what happened next. Romney would be well-advised to go after his primary opponents a little more and make sure they're finished off.
