Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some Now Hope Hillary Will Challenge Obama

Some Democrats are now expressing more than buyer's remorse over President Obama.
And they're doing more than simply biting their elbows.
They're beginning to hope -- aloud -- that Hillary Clinton will actually jump into the 2012 presidential race and challenge Obama from within his own party. They're hoping against hope that this will happen. They feel that betrayed, that desperate.
Here's a snippet from a story in London's Telegraph:

Gary Pearce, a Democratic strategist in North Carolina, a swing state Mr Obama is likely to struggle to retain in 2012, said: "Democrats are worried. He looks weak, he doesn't say anything that grabs you, and people are looking for some kind of magic."
He said some activists were asking "do we need someone tougher to fight the tea party?" "You see a yearning for a Bill Clinton-type approach and Hillary would reflect that. Obama is just a different political animal, he is a low-key guy," he added.
Mr Obama's approval rating has fallen dramatically since the killing of Osama bin Laden in early May, and he has failed to outline a vision for how he will improve chronic unemployment and a housing market in which one if five mortgage holders are in negative equity.
A 2012 primary challenge by Mrs Clinton is currently regarded as unlikely, but growing number of party activists and old hands are hoping that she changes her mind.
Click here for more on this story.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure conservatives would like Hillary to jump in too because it would all but ensure a Republican gets elected next year. When Ronald Reagan challenged Gerald Ford in '76, Jimmy Carter won. When Ted Kennedy challenged Carter in '80, Reagan got elected. When Pat Buchanan challenged George Bush I in '92, Bill Clinton won.

    I'm sure Hillary Clinton realizes this and doesn't want her political legacy to be that she cost her party the White House (and probably the Senate and a whole lot of state houses thanks to coattails). So she'll suck up whatever urges she has to scream "I told you so!" until/unless Obama is defeated next November.
