Saturday, August 13, 2011

They Thought Obama Was 'Almost God'

Remember Peggy Joseph?
She's the woman who celebrated Obama's victory and thought that Obama was going to pay her mortgage, taxes, all her bills. It was as if the savior had arrived.
Hmmmm . . . I wonder what happened to Peggy Joseph.

1 comment:

  1. This is a perfect example of why a Democrat gets a vote and a Republican does not. The Republican has to run on principals and ideas, the Democrat promises entitlements to the welfare class, union contracts to the unions and the they have the african american community in their back pocket. No ideas, no proposed paths, just promises and hope. My grandpop had a saying, "hope in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which one fills up first." Peggy Joseph is the reason America is going down the tubes. This was a country built upon the belief that we'll judge you by what you do, not by what your father was, not by your family name. You were taught to work hard and be someone. You were free, not bound to any king, no reason to bow to anyone, you were what you made of yourself. That is no more. There is no longer personal pride, Peggy Joseph is a good example of that. Now we have generations living off of welfare and it breeds someone who feels like the world owes them something. The world owes you nothing, you have to work for everything and rightfully so. God bless America, but unless we wake up, we're going to be in trouble.
