Friday, September 16, 2011

Christie Pays Tribute To POW/MIA Service Members

Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, which is observed on the third Friday in September, to remember and honor Americans taken as Prisoners of War or Missing in Action:
“Today as part of National POW/MIA Recognition Day we pay tribute to the sacrifice of our brave service members who not only served our country with honor, but were also taken as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. We pause to remember those members of the Armed Forces who never returned to their families or the shores of the country they fought to protect and remain unaccounted for and still missing in action. Today, we recognize each of them, their service and their sacrifice, while bringing attention to the ongoing efforts of military families, government, and veterans organizations to bring closure to the unimaginable difficultly and loss for which we are forever indebted.
Honoring our commitment to those brave men and women is one of our solemn duties and a special responsibility for me as Governor. I am proud that we have strengthened our commitment to our veterans, their families, and those currently serving in active duty. Since taking office, I have signed legislation that strengthened our support network for military families after the death of a service member, honored those World War II, Korea and Vietnam veterans who were required to drop out of high school to serve, and created the Gold Star Families license plate to honor the families of members of the military killed in action for their sacrifice.”

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