Thursday, September 15, 2011

'Cupcake Fight' To Promote Int'l. Peace Day

Drexel University’s student organization Urban Playground will host a Cupcake Fight For Peace to commemorate the UN International Day of Peace on Wednesday, September 21. Peace Day is celebrated around the world with ceasefires, celebrations and a wide variety of educational and humanitarian programs. Philadelphia Mayor Michaek Nutter praised the day’s events because they “promote peace and non-violence."
According to the group, "While the other events largely focus on walks and talks, the cupcake fight uses a creative, friendly flash mob style event to bring in students of all interests and backgrounds. From Sudan to Afghanistan to parts of Philadelphia, people are using guns to solve their power struggles. But there are better ways to fight. In honor of the United Nations International Day of Peace, where the world commits one day to ceasefire, Drexel University will fight with cupcakes, not bullets."
This event is made possible by cupcake donations from
An equal amount of cupcakes will be donated.

Date: Wednesday, September 21
Time: 4:30PM
Location: Grass on the Quad at 32 and Chestnut

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