Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hungry Toe-Sucker Propositions Strangers

Toe-sucking anyone?
That's the question that's being posed in a town where a fetishist is on the loose.
It's so bad that total strangers have been propositioned, in public, by one of the most unusual characters imaginable -- a hungry toe-sucker.
Reports on these incidents say there's nothing illegal about a foot fetish. But authorities in Conway, Arkansas, are looking for a toe-sucking man they said has crossed the line. In fact, they're calling it assault.
Police received two complaints last week regarding a man who's out  to suck women's toes. He's quite aggressive and means to satisfy his fetish whether those who he approaches want him to or not.
The police simply want him off the streets.
One woman said that she was shopping when she noticed a man staring at her. He told the woman that he had a foot fetish and that he was interested in her because "her toes are so long and succulent". When the woman's cell phone rang, the man disappeared.
And here's an added element to the whole, story:  This is not the first time that this Arkansas town has dealt with this type of complaint. In the 1990s, a man who came to be known as the "Toe Suck Fairy" struck Little Rock and Conway.
Go figure. Only the toes knows . . . .

1 comment:

  1. No doubt police are actively pursuing him. The chase is afoot.
