Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's Official, NJ: Carl Lewis Is OFF The Ballot!

IT'S OVER: A federal appeals court today removed former Olympic sprinter Carl Lewis' name from the Nov. 8 ballot. A three-judge panel ruled unanimously in an opinion issued Thursday that the four-year residency requirement to run for New Jersey Senate does not infringe on Lewis' constitutional rights. The appeals remaining to Lewis, a Medford Democrat, are few, and election law experts say it's unlikely his case will move any further.
Congratulations to the Burlington County Republicans who continued to persevere  in this case, to New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Kim Gudagno who first ruled so wisely that Lewis was ineligible and to all who were involved in attempting to uphold the law and protect New Jersey's constitution.
Finally, hugs and kisses to our dear friend -- New Jersey State Senator Dawn Marie Addiego!

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