Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tea Party Observes 9/11, Celebrates Constitution

A special message from Teri Adams, President of Philadelphia's Independence Hall Tea Party Association:

On September 10, I, along with Board Members Carol Klein, Jerry Klein, and Don Adams had the privilege of celebrating the 4th year anniversary of the American Sheepdogs Pro-Troop Counter Rally held every Saturday at the West Chester County Courthouse.

For 208 consecutive Saturdays, no matter how dire the weather, there has been a pro-troop demonstration.

We salute Sheepdog founder Rich Davis; blogger Tanya Gail; Carol and Jerry Klein and all the Sheepdogs for their dedication, devotion, and perseverance!

As far as 911 commemorations in the Delaware Valley, the Travis Manion Foundation events were a big success. We congratulate Dom Giordano (WPHT 1210) and Marshall Perlman (Claimstar Inc.) for their participation in the Collingswood, New Jersey 5 K Run.

Last, but not least, on Constitution Day (Saturday, September 17) Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Award Nominee, Janine Turner, Co-Founder of Constituting America, headlined our We the People 2011 event on Independence Mall commemorating the 224th Anniversary of the Signing of the United States Constitution. It was our 2nd annual celebration.

  Constituting America's Janine Turner             Wynnewood Institute Founder, Professor Patrick Burke

                 Quentin Cody, Rochelle Porta, Chris Stigall, and Don Adams                              Anna Little
(photos courtesy of Bill Green)
Ms. Turner was joined at the podium by several winners of Constituting America's student contests. Well over 125 people attended the outdoor event despite the threatening skies and chilly temperatures.

Professor Patrick Burke, the Honorable Anna Little, Quentin Cody, Board Members Rochelle Porta, and Don Adams also took to the microphones.

Dom Giordano paid tribute to the recently deceased Joey Vento and Joey's staunch Defense of the First Amendment.

Larry Cirignano, a Reagan Administration Alum, read passages from President Ronald Reagan's speech delivered at Independence Hall during the Bicentennial Celebration of the US Constitution (1987). This year marks the 100th anniversary of President Reagan's birth.

Chris Stigall recited the Bill of Rights and played the role of Ben Franklin in a first ever reading of an original screenplay by Don Adams entitled Kingbird and Franklin.

We thank our sponsor, ClaimStar Inc.; co-sponsors, ECBM and TNT Rental; WPHT, Gary R'nel, and Ed Palladino; WDEL and Rick Jensen; WOR and Rita Cosby; our Board of Directors; our Volunteers (especially Tory McClintock); and you!

Also, best wishes to Association friends Jack Posobiec and Brittany on their recent engagement! Jack popped the question in the Assembly Room of Independence Hall.

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