Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Bucco Jobs Growth Bills Advance

Two pieces of legislation sponsored by New Jersey Senate Republican Budget Officer Tony Bucco, that would help spur job creation and economic growth, cleared the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee yesterday.
“These bills will provide immediate relief to businesses spurring the creation of permanent private sector jobs that are so desperately needed in New Jersey,” Bucco began. “These measures will also provide an incentive to hire those servicemen and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and help businesses invest in updated, more efficient equipment.”
S-1015 would allow a corporation business tax and gross income tax credits to businesses providing employment to certain National Guard or reservists while S-1865 would provide a corporation business tax credit for certain investment in manufacturing equipment and manufacturing facility renovation, modernization and expansion.
“This is a good step in a positive direction towards moving New Jersey's economy forward. I will continue working with my colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, towards implementing Governor Christie’s job creation policies that will return New Jersey to prosperity,” Bucco concluded.

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