Wednesday, October 26, 2011

AFP NJ Launches Election Media Blitz

Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey's grassroots, free-market organization, is launching a media blitz today as part of a project to educate citizens on the big government, anti-tax voting records of several Trenton lawmakers.

The two week effort will focus on the following five legislative districts, all of which include state senators who have earned and “F” rating for their votes on key fiscal legislation as documented by Americans for Prosperity’s Taxpayer Scorecards (See here and here).

  • District 2 – Sen. Jim Whelan (Atlantic)
  • District 3 – Sen. Steve Sweeney (SalemCumberlandGloucester)
  • District 14 – Linda Greenstein (Mercer, Middlesex)
  • District 27 - Sen. Dick Codey (Essex)
  • District 38 - Sen. Bob Gordon (Bergen)

Americans for Prosperity state director Steve Lonegan issued the following statement:

“Today, New Jersey taxpayers are saddled with the nation’s worst tax climate. The state is one of the worst in the nation to do business in. Unemployment is the highest in the region. And our state debt over the past decade and half has skyrocketed to almost $50 billion.

“This economic devastation is the direct result of the high tax, high spending agenda spearheaded by legislators in Trenton, including Senators Whelan, Sweeney, Greenstein, Codey and Gordon.

“The time has come for the hard-working taxpayers of New Jersey to know the facts about how these legislators have voted time and time again to raise their taxes in order to pander to liberal special interests and feed their insatiable appetite for bigger and bigger government and an unending Trenton bureaucracy.

“That’s exactly what this educational effort aims to do.”

The free-market group’s effort will include a salvo of targeted radio and TV ads, as well as a direct mail campaign, all of which will detail the anti-taxpayer records of each legislator with regards to taxes, corporate welfare bailouts, support for the government takeover of health care, and other critical issues affecting the state’s economy. Citizens will be urged to contact each legislator and urge them to stop voting against taxpayer interests.

To learn more about Americans for Prosperity’s educational effort, please visit

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