Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chris Christie Stands With Mitt -- Do You?

A special message from Governor Chris Christie:

This is the most important election in generations. Whether we are able to fix our economy and get our country on the right track will have ramifications for decades. We cannot afford to continue on our current path.
Mitt Romney has a life history of coming into struggling organizations and turning them around. Right now, we need someone like him in the White House to fundamentally change our economy and reverse three years of failed policies. Unlike our current President, Mitt Romney understands the economy from the inside out.

Chris Christie stands with Mitt

Fixing the economy will not be easy, but Mitt has shown throughout his life that he has the leadership ability and expertise to lead our country toward a recovery. Republicans should recognize the importance of this election and realize that if they are serious about regaining the White House, Mitt Romney is the only candidate to back.
I hope you'll join me and stand with Mitt today


  1. Gov. Christie disappoints me, unless, there is a political alliance being formed between the two. Romney is a younger version of John McCain. He's a political insider who, in my opinion, will say what is necessary to get elected. Thakfully, Obama is running against himself and not an opponent.

  2. It's always great to hear from you MJ.
    I can understand your concerns about Romney. But I don;t think he's quite the same maverick that McCain was -- and not nearly as much of a has-been and not nearly as cranky.
    In any event, this is no cakewalk for Romney.
    He still has to win over lots of conservatives.
    The challenge is his.
