Saturday, October 29, 2011

Christie Declares State Of Emergency In NJ

Governor Chris Christie today declared a state of emergency throughout the state as a result of severe weather conditions across the state including high winds, rain, snow, and mixed freezing precipitation, coastal, stream and river flooding, downed trees and power lines, that threaten the public’s health and safety.

Governor Christie urged New Jerseyans to stay off of the roadways until conditions improve. The adverse conditions caused by the storm have resulted in over 60 incidents on roadways and 20 full road closures so far.

"As we move through the worst part of this storm, I am urging all New Jerseyans to avoid unnecessary risks in severe weather like this and stay off the roadways tonight, while also issuing a state of emergency to marshal all resources of government to effectively respond," Governor Christie said. "With this declaration, we are taking immediate steps to ensure that state, local and county governments have every tool at their disposal to manage and respond to conditions on the ground, emergency operations plans are activated, and that every part of government is positioned to assist and protect the public through this storm."

The declaration activates elements of the State Emergency Operations Plan, broadening powers of the New Jersey State Police including traffic control, limiting access and egress from impacted areas and issuing evacuation orders if needed.

As provided by the declaration, the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management will be authorized to mobilize and deploy resources beginning immediately to respond to the storm conditions, including resources of the New Jersey State Police, New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and New Jersey Department of Transportation, in coordination with county and municipal emergency management officials in impacted areas throughout the state.

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