Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Christie On Why He Said 'Get The Hell Off Beach'

At an event for first responders, volunteers and other who helped out during hurricane Irene, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today explained his famous "Get the hell off the beach," comment.
Here's how he tells it:
I was upstairs for those fourteen hour days at the Regional Operations Intelligence Center (ROIC), and I’m watching TV and there’s a guy from CNN standing on the Boardwalk in Asbury Park and ten hours earlier I told everybody to get off the islands, get back to safer ground.
I said it really nicely---- it is in your best interest to move to a safer place during this very dangerous time. And then I watched this guy from CNN standing on the Boardwalk in Asbury Park. He didn’t bother me too much but behind him there were people building sand castles.
There was a guy putting sunscreen on his wife or girlfriend, and there was another guy that grabbed his surfboard and running out to the water. I said, who are these idiots, and I said OK, time for a press conference, and I went down there and I just figured I had to take a much more Jersey approach to the problem.
As always, Christie tells it like it is (even in the retelling) and gives it to you straight.

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