Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Christie On Judge Decision: 'Outrageous, Self-Serving'

Yesterday, New Jersey Judge Linda Feinberg ruled that the new pension and benefit reforms didn’t apply to judges because, as she see it, she and her fellow judges are special and exempt from such changes.
But Governor Chris Christie disagrees -- vehemently.
Here's what the Governo says about the Judge's decision:
“This outrageous, self-serving decision, where a judge is protecting her own pocketbook and those of her colleagues, is why the public has grown to have such little faith in the objectivity of the Judiciary. These political appointees, who are the most lavishly paid public workers, with the richest lifetime benefits, have now had one of their own rule that they are above the law and should be treated preferentially. We trust that the Supreme Court will reverse this ridiculous decision and find that judges should have to pay their fair share, just like every other public employee.”
This is yet another reason why we LOVE Chris Christie! 

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