Thursday, October 20, 2011

Great News: Alec Baldwin Likes Capitalism!

I guess we can all breath a sigh of relief now.
Turns out Alec Baldwin thinks capitalism ain't that bad.
In fact, the aging, puffy, often-bombastic actor actually thinks we need capitalism. Imagine that!
Baldwin took a stroll through lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park and told Occupy Wall Street protestors that he thinks capitalism is "worthwhile."
Expressing himself in his usual erudite manner, Baldwin told the Birkenstock Brigade:
"You cannot not have strong capital markets in this country or the country is going to go down the tubes." Yo, Alec: That's called a double negative.
But then again most bleeding heart liberals specialize in accentuated the negative, so what's the difference?
Anyway, Sir Alec added: "I think most people want change in this country but they don't want the country to go down the tubes. They don't want the country to become England."
Yeah . . . we do want change Alec. But not the kind you have in mind.
Maybe Alec's rethinking his notion to someday leave America. After all, this is the guy who has more than once threatened to leave the country if Republicans take charge. But somehow he never makes good on the promise. The last time around (When George W. Bush took office) Alec decided to stay after all.
At Zuccotti Baldwin cited the example of the near-sainted Steve Jobs as an example of the kind of capitalist we need. But let's not forget that Jobs got where he was by being a bare-knockled competitor. He wasn't exactly warm 'n fuzzy.
Is there any chance at all that the far-left Baldwin could be moving even a little bit to the right? Nah . . . don't bet on it. He'll always revert. Always.
Too bad some of the mighty movie moguls of the golden age of Hollywood (now they were capitalists) aren't around anymore to put Alec in his place. One can only imagine how Louis B. Mayer would have responded to Alec's antics.

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