Sunday, October 23, 2011

Has Herman Cain Peaked? Could Be.

Has Herman Cain's fledgling GOP presidential candidacy peaked?
Cain has made some revealing mistakes during the past week. First, he had to cut and paste his controversial 9-9-9 plan, altering it and making exceptions for certain groups.
Then,  he got snagged on the abortion issue when he had to walk back some statements that he made on rape and incest.
And Cain also seems to have lost his way on the issue of negotiating with terrorists.
Brit Hume, for one thinks that Cain may have reached his zenith. Here's part of what Hume said on Fox News Sunday:
"In the end, particularly when you are running for president, it is not an advantage to be without long experience . . . I suspect Herman Cain may have peaked and may begin to decline.”

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