Thursday, October 13, 2011

Here's How To Defeat The Obama Attack Machine

Oh, yes. Have you noticed what's going on? We have.

The Democrat attack machine is already in high gear...

After another great performance by Mitt Romney in Tuesday's New Hampshire debate, the Obama machine has begun to employ their "kill Mitt" strategy.

President Obama and his political team have signaled they will spend a billion dollars in this election just to hold on to power. Given the nation's dismal jobs picture it is understandable that they will need a billion. They have already established a Super PAC which made history by launching a presidential campaign with an attack ad against Mitt Romney.
Right now, Mitt Romney need our help in fighting this entrenched power so the country can get back to work.

The Obama machine knows Mitt Romney can beat Obama in November. And they are desperate to cling to power. Just yesterday, Politico reported that President Obama's chief strategist David Axelrod launched their plan "for the express purpose of targeting the Republican front-runner in the 2012 campaign, Mitt Romney."
Make no mistake - these attacks will continue. Obama & Co. will spend the next 13 months trying to distract the American people from President Obama's horrible jobs record. But it is not going to work.
President Obama's record on jobs is shameful. Under his watch, America has lost more than 2 million jobs.

He is on track to be the first president in modern history to leave office with a net job loss. President Obama has turned America into an economic disaster zone. The only question is whether we can make it to the election of 2012 before Obama takes us all the way back to 1929.
We can't change the direction of the country until we change the president.

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