Friday, October 21, 2011

Look At Numbers? We Did. Biden Lied!

Vice President Joe Biden's going around the country touting the administration's jobs plan and he's been saying that rapes in Flint Michigan have doubled and tripled and even quadrupled.
And Biden's been standing by these figures not matter what.
He even jabbed his finger and a reporter who challenged him and said: "Don't screw with me."
But Biden's been lying all along.
The independent took Biden up on his repeated invite to check the figures and here's an excerpt reporting what they found:
"We have looked at the numbers. We started with the number of reported rapes, because Biden makes three claims that don’t add up: that rapes have gone up from 91 to 229 (a 152 percent increase), that rapes have “quadrupled,” and that rapes have tripled. He’s badly wrong on all counts. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports for those years show that the number of reported rapes declined from 103 in 2008 to 92 in 2010, or a nearly 11 percent drop."
So, it turns out that Joe Biden's not simply a burdensome windbag and a national embarrassment but he's also a flagrant liar.

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