Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Democrats Now Distance Themselves From 'The One'

Missouri's Claire McCaskill has long been a liberal, remains a liberal Democrat and will continue to embrace such views.
But these days, she's trying to put a bit of distance between herself and the anointed secular God of Liberalism, Barack Obama. That's because McCaskill is facing re-election next year and Missouri is now tough turf for Democrats. Indeed, many in the "show me" state feel Obama, McCaskill & Co. haven't shown them a damned thing except fewer jobs, a worse economy and more hard times.
Is it any wonder that McCaskill is now spinning out of sight when Obama comes her way?
Here's an excerpt from Reuters:
Four years ago, Senator Claire McCaskill was one of Barack Obama's biggest boosters in his presidential campaign. But when he recently visited her state of Missouri, she did not have time to join him.
Many of McCaskill's fellow Democrats in Congress may also decide they are too busy to be with Obama, whose approval rating of about 40 percent as the economy struggles threatens to be a drag on their own reelection chances next year.
"You may see a number of Democrats say 'Sorry, I have a scheduling conflict,'" said a senior Democratic lawmaker.
Click here to read the full story.
And watch closely, everybody. Watch as the DemocRATS start to scamper.

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